Who We Are/What We Do

The Getwell Church of Christ has met on Getwell Road in Memphis since July 1950. The church which meets at Getwell and Dunn is a fully-organized, New Testament congregation with both bishops and deacons (Philippians 1:1). Three ministers, three secretaries, and a number of Bible teachers and active members complement the work. The Getwell Church of Christ is involved in many works vital to the advancement of the cause of Christ. In addition to the day-to-day and week-to-week work of the congregation in the three areas of reaching the lost, renewing the saved, and relieving the needy, the congregation maintains a positive and powerful reputation for being evangelistic.

Emerson Jewel Estes, 1903-2000

The Truth In Love is one of the longest, continuously running religious radio programs in the nation. Still today, people comment that they recall listening to brother Emerson J. Estes on The Truth In Love in the early days of the program.

He [brother Estes] did his first full time preaching in Birmingham and followed that with preaching in Montgomery, Alabama. He subsequently became the first full time evangelist of the Getwell Church of Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, in which capacity he served for eight years. While working with Getwell, he began the Truth In Love radio program on WHBQ. This program is likely the oldest continuous radio program in the area. During his years as speaker, he received and answered hundreds, perhaps even thousands of questions about the Bible and what it teaches. On more than one occasion, he invited preachers who opposed what the Bible teaches to appear on his program. He allowed them to state their views, and then kindly, gently, but firmly, refuted their error. He conducted one of the most unique, interesting, and informative radio programs to which I ever listened and perhaps, one of the most unusual, and distinctive ever aired. Tremendous good resulted from brother Estes’ radio work. (From: www.TheRestorationMovement.net)

Alan E. Highers - Court of Appeals Judge

Alan E. Highers
Court of Appeals Judge

The Spiritual Sword quarterly journal, which began in October of 1969, has been edited by Alan E. Highers since 1989 and brings into print some of the finest literary efforts of noted men in the church today. Each issue of the journal is biblical, balanced, and conservative in content.


The Spiritual Sword Lectureship had its beginning in October of 1976. Each third full week in October brethren from far and wide converge on Getwell to hear prominent preachers present lessons on interesting and informative Bible subjects. The effectiveness of the lectureship is extended by the accompanying publications, and audio recordings of the lessons are made available. The lectureship is one of the highlights of the year at Getwell. It provides an opportunity to receive the warmth of the many guests who come and to extend loving Christian hospitality to those whom we have come to know and love over the years.

The Getwell Church of Christ is committed to the restoration of first century Christianity in the twenty-first century.